Knowing what you want to say is only half the battle. Being prepared for the curve ball and awkward question is an art form that can only be mastered through training and practical experience. Take the time to prepare your key messages and deliver them confidently.
Anticipating the journalist’s agenda is important. We aren’t expecting you to be psychic, but knowing who the journalist is and where they’re from will give you some clues. So buy yourself some time before the interview think about what the journalist wants as well as brushing up on your own messages.
Remember that common questions are common. Be prepared to hear and address the same old stereotypical questions and preconceptions, whether on race, religion or gender. Journalists need to create controversy. This is still the case if you’re a woman in science and technology, trying to buck the trend, innovate and change perceptions.
It takes more than a winning smile to handle a hostile question and still stay cool, up beat and confident, as our interviewee in training so aptly demonstrates in the video below.