Many councils are preparing for the local elections in May.

Post Brexit and now through Covid, unpredictability and change are the only certainties. No doubt there will be changes and potentially a lot of fresh opportunities. New councillors bring a variety of skills and experience and many will be looking forward to the training and support that you offer.

Effective communication is a key leadership skill.

Our combined Media Training and Public Speaking course will empower your key spokespeople, cabinet members and new councillors with the skills that they need to deliver consistently clear messages to the media, partners, stakeholders and the general public.

Our training is tailored to your council, your issues and your projects.  We work with you to ensure that you get the exactly what you need from our expert media trainers. 

We know that professional development is an essential investment for your Communications team too.

 Courses for PR professionals:

Whether you are planning to up skill your team, organise media training or just need to raise the media awareness of new councillors do email or call us on 01628 474154.