by Caitriona McCan | Apr 11, 2014 | General, Media Training
In our media training courses we tell people to have three facts to use in an interview. Three is a magic number, not too few not too many. It is part of the human psyche and it works well. Make more than three points and your audience is likely to get confused and... by Caitriona McCan | Apr 11, 2014 | General, Media Training, Public Relations
With the advent of social media and twitter in particular it seems the long arm of the law is stretching ever-further into the ether. High profile tweets that are at best #stupid and at worst #illegal populate the news. Recently-introduced guidelines from the Crown... by Caitriona McCan | Apr 11, 2014 | Case Studies, General, Media Training
The Client: The Association of North East Councils Professionalism, excellence and commitment are the three words that most spring to mind from the feedback we’ve received from those who have participated in, and benefited, from your highly effective approach to media... by Caitriona McCan | Apr 11, 2014 | General, Media Training
Without warning the lives of innocent, ordinary families have been devastated. The legacy of the Boston Marathon bombings feels particularly cruel and unnecessary, with three killed and many of the 180 injured or maimed being avid sportsmen and women. In the recent... by Caitriona McCan | Apr 11, 2014 | Communication skills, General, Media Training
Many councils have been engaging with Social Media at a corporate level for several years and have recognised its growing importance in communicating with residents and visitors. Some are just using Twitter to promote news releases, events and updates, such as severe...
by Caitriona McCan | Apr 11, 2014 | General, Media Training
Having attended two major NHS conferences in recent weeks, Media Friendly is impressed with stakeholders’ determination to make current changes in the NHS truly workable, for the benefit of all patients. At the NHS Confederation in Liverpool and the NHS Commissioning...