by Moya Fillmore | Sep 9, 2024 | Media Friendly News
It’s been nearly two years since Elon Musk took over Twitter and renamed it X and it’s about as long since we last posted. We were just too busy doing our work, delivering bespoke media and presentation skills training, to engage on an increasingly toxic platform. ...
by Moya Fillmore | Oct 20, 2023 | Media Friendly News
When you see good presenters delivering with confidence at a conference it’s easy to think they were born to speak in public, it seems to flow so naturally. Maybe one or two have natural ability but, for the majority, it’s a skill developed through focus,... by Moya Fillmore | Sep 26, 2023 | Media Friendly News
How will your housing association respond to the media interest in damp and mould ? Now that he Government “Guidance” on damp and mould for social and other landlords has been published, all housing associations will face increased media scrutiny. How prepared are you... by Moya Fillmore | Aug 10, 2022 | Communication skills, Media Friendly News, Media Training
Authentic Personal Branding Make an impact, engage, influence, lead and inspire Learn MoreEnquire Now Course Details This course will help you develop an authentic personal brand that aligns with your ambitions, beliefs and competencies. You will learn how to make... by Moya Fillmore | May 20, 2021 | Media Friendly News
Media Training Rule Number 1 – Think before you speak and make sure you know your subject! Prince Harry draws criticism for calling First Amendment ‘bonkers’ — TODAY (@TODAYshow) May 18, 2021 Honestly, you couldn’t make it up. They say...